How to make money online usnig Blogs
Get yourself a free blog form either BlogSpot, or WordPress.
Now add a few adverts to it.
I would recommend WidgetBucks and Google Ads.
Then you should register at a place like where they pay you for viewing ads.
Then last but not least, you should register at a place like CraZoo where they pay you to post on the forums, and then with all this accumulated moolah, be sure to donate at least 10 USD to some place like GrrenPeace or to UNICEF, or to me, tee hee..
So have fun, and become rich.
Now add a few adverts to it.
I would recommend WidgetBucks and Google Ads.
Then you should register at a place like where they pay you for viewing ads.
Then last but not least, you should register at a place like CraZoo where they pay you to post on the forums, and then with all this accumulated moolah, be sure to donate at least 10 USD to some place like GrrenPeace or to UNICEF, or to me, tee hee..
So have fun, and become rich.
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